Keywords = Quality Improvement
A Teachable Moment in Minimizing Morbidity with Bone Marrow Biopsy Procedures

Volume 12, Issue 4, October 2024, Pages 173-175


Precious Idogun; Ishmael Jaiyesimi; William Mallin; Marc Smith

Nurturing New Beginnings: A Quality Improvement Journey to Enhance Early Breastfeeding Initiation rates

Volume 12, Issue 3, July 2024, Pages 135-143


Smriti Anand; Pushpa Dahiya; Shikha Madan; sonia Dahiya

Improving Medical Handover Using a Structured Handover Algorithm

Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 3-11


Devnandan Amor Chatterjee; Adjany Bohorquez

To Increase the Practice of Hand Washing with the Correct 7-Step Technique for 2 Minutes for Doctors Conducting Vaginal Deliveries from Baseline to 80 % in 4 Weeks

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2022, Pages 123-130


Sarika Gautam; Nisha Malik; Meenakshi Chauhan; Vani Malhotra; Savita Rani Singhal; Roopa Malik; Smiti Nanda

Patient/client safety structures and processes in home care: A cross-sectional online survey

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2022, Pages 131-146


Heli Vaartio-Rajalin; Auvo Rauhala; Jaana Kalliokoski; Tuija S Ikonen

Reducing Medication Errors through Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration: A Quality Improvement initiative

Volume 10, Issue 3, July 2022, Pages 97-99


Davide Paccagnella; Rachel Isaac; Bhavee Patel; Pramodh Vallabhaneni

Nurses’ Perception of the Nursing Practice Environment and Quality Improvement Initiatives in a Tertiary Hospital, Kingdom of Bahrain- an Observational Longitudinal Study

Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 199-209


Francis Byron Opinion; Yvonne Villamor Bedrejo; Fairouz Alhourani; Maria Irene Tolentino; Perpetua Vianney Ardenaso; Asha Raj Sudha

Causal Inference and Analysis of Surgery Cancellation Risks

Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 3-12


Azra Alizadeh; Milad Eshkevari; Mohammad Reza Pashaei; Mustafa Jahangoshai Rezaee

Adoption of a single-page best practice algorithm improves outcomes in patients with acute atrial fibrillation: a multi-disciplinary quality improvement project

Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2019, Pages 87-94


Edd Maclean; Daniella De Block Golding; Samantha Maden; Shreena Patel; Ola Joseph; Max Denning; Jesca Boot; Roger Rear

Decreasing Unnecessary Daily Labs by Choosing Wisely

Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2017, Pages 630-633


Olugbenga Arole; Kavitha Rajan; Sana Khan; Saif Ullah; Valentine Y. Njike

Assessment of Patient Safety for Quality Improvement Based on Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards in Farabi Eye Hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2016, Pages 351-357


Seyed Mohammad Hadi Musavi; Hojjat Zeraati; Mahmoud Jabbarvand; Hadi Mokhatre; Akram Asadollahi; Hossein Dargahi