Examining Forgotten Nursing Care and Its Related Elements from the Standpoint of Nurses Working in 4 Teaching Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Since the Coronavirus Epidemic
Introduction: Due to the effect of COVID-19 on nursing care, the methods of communication with patients have changed and ultimately caused nursing care to be postponed or even removed. According to the decrease in COVID-19 patients, the effect of the pandemic has remained in the hospitals, which expressed the necessity of doing this study.
Materials and Methods: 350 nurses from four teaching hospitals of the Medical Sciences University of Kurdistan participated in this cross-sectional (descriptive) study using random sampling. Two questionnaires were used: one for missed nursing care and the other for factors associated with missed nursing care. The independent t-test, one-way analysis, and chi-square test were employed in the data analysis using SPSS software version 16. Results: For missed nursing care in general, the study's score was 40.60. The patient's cooperation and supervision when using the restroom within the first 15 minutes of the request received a score of 2.39, whereas the patient's blood sugar management using a glucometer received a score of 1.24. Additionally, "lack of nursing staff" (score of 3.84) is the most significant instance in examining factors connected with missing nursing care from the perspective of the nurses. Conclusion: Given that the primary cause linked to nursing service gaps is a shortage of nurses, addressing this issue by providing human resources can help.
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Naseri, S. (2023). Examining Forgotten Nursing Care and Its Related Elements from the Standpoint of Nurses Working in 4 Teaching Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Since the Coronavirus Epidemic. Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement, 11(4), 207-214. doi: 10.22038/psj.2023.75902.1415
Naseri, S. . "Examining Forgotten Nursing Care and Its Related Elements from the Standpoint of Nurses Working in 4 Teaching Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Since the Coronavirus Epidemic", Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement, 11, 4, 2023, 207-214. doi: 10.22038/psj.2023.75902.1415
Naseri, S. (2023). 'Examining Forgotten Nursing Care and Its Related Elements from the Standpoint of Nurses Working in 4 Teaching Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Since the Coronavirus Epidemic', Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement, 11(4), pp. 207-214. doi: 10.22038/psj.2023.75902.1415
S. Naseri, "Examining Forgotten Nursing Care and Its Related Elements from the Standpoint of Nurses Working in 4 Teaching Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Since the Coronavirus Epidemic," Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement, 11 4 (2023): 207-214, doi: 10.22038/psj.2023.75902.1415
Naseri, S. Examining Forgotten Nursing Care and Its Related Elements from the Standpoint of Nurses Working in 4 Teaching Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Since the Coronavirus Epidemic. Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement, 2023; 11(4): 207-214. doi: 10.22038/psj.2023.75902.1415